Meet Harlequin shrimps with us!
We have been looking for them for a long time, but now they are back!!!
How lucky on the last cruise to spot them in three different places ;)
And as if it was not enough ... we had plenty of amazing stuff under water ...
But first, let's keep the suspense and introduce the happy divers who were on board: Don & Tom from the USA; Filippo from Italy and Petra from Denmark; Isabelle, Jean-Philippe, Pierre, Sophie and Sylvain from France; Markus, Monika and Valérie from Switzerland; Neel from England, and Sofia from Sweden.
One more time, the conditions were great and the dive sites looked fantastic with astonishing corals and seafans.
And in the middle of that, magical encounters ...
Some of which had been expected for a long time ;)
And some others, we would have never dreamed of ... ghost pipefishes soup!
Spanish dancers were back!
Let's not forget our usual ones ...
Nudis and sea slugs ...
And our favorites:
Juveniles were in the place too ...
Everybody was very excited about the dives, and also very hard-working!
But still, we had time to enjoy relaxing and sharing a drink all together!
Kayaking and discovering isolated islands...
The sceneries were amazing during the day with a fantastic weather!
Crazy skies ...
And our famous breathtaking sunsets...
And to finish a splendid trip, what's better than this on our way back to the mainland?!!!
Lots of courses on this last cruise ... so congratulations to : Tom, Don, Sophie and Valérie for their Nitrox certifications; Pierre, Sophie for their Advanced Open Water; Valérie again for her Deep Specialty; Jean-Philippe for his Rescue.
And the palm goes to Petra and Filippo for their Open Water, Advanced Open Water and Nitrox! Good job guys!
Ultimate Marine Life guide to Mergui Archipelago...
Myanmar has a large area of the Andaman Sea, made up by Mergui Archipelago and the Burma Banks is also very rich in Marine life.
We have been diving in Burma since 2012 and I wrote quite a few blogposts about the critters we encountered here.
I wanted to share on this page the Ultimate Marine Life guide to Mergui Archipelago linking to the articles we wrote about all these wonderful critters!