Our customers reviews for february 2015
...Tortues, barra... et tutti quanti...! Seahorses, en veux tu? en voila!
On a qu'une envie... Revenir...
We will never fort you "the smiling seahorse" Thank you very much!!!!
Our customers reviews for february 201519/01/2015 ...Tortues, barra... et tutti quanti...! Seahorses, en veux tu? en voila! On a qu'une envie... Revenir...17/01/2015
We will never fort you "the smiling seahorse" Thank you very much!!!!
C'etait fabuleux! Genial! L'ambiance a board, la bouffe, la team (au top du sourire) et bien sur les spots de plongee!
Une très belle croisière dont on retiendra la beauté des sites, la compétence et la gentillesse des dive masters et le sourire permanent de l’équipage. Point non négligeable: la bouffe était extra. En un mot: Mémorable. Top experience, ne changez rien!!!
Texture diving BurmaAlready half of the season gone, and the excitment of the beginning is far from worn out ! Every dive holds so much promises, and keeps them too ! It feels like time is running way too fast, but we're enjoying every minute of it... This past week gave us another sample of what Burma has to offer : strong tidal currents bringing in an amazing quantity of fish, walls covered in soft corals in every color, tiny creatures never met anywhere else, magic night dives with sparkling plankton... And a great group onboard, including two brave students who successfully completed their Advanced Open Water ! Congratulations Sylvain and Paul ! The recently discovered dive sites are holding up to their promises. We keep going back, and we marvel everytime at the beauty of those places ! No wonder they got everybody's stamp of approval, and are officially part of the new itineraries for the next season... Because of course, we can't help but look just a little bit further. And what's awaiting us next year is higly exciting. The new itineraries are already online, and open to bookings. Check it out there, and come and join us for the next adventures !
Best of Thailand and MyanmarSo here we are, back from the second and, sadly, last part of two great weeks in company of twelve divers from Belgium. The first part of their holiday took them to the very crème de la crème dive spots in Thailand, and after a break on Koh Phayam, we all got started for the big tour around Burma. And what a trip it has been ! Calm sea, clear visibility... and great atmosphere on board, could we ask for more ? The nurse sharks were at the rendez-vous, the big stingrays are settling down on several dive sites, and eagle rays graced us with their presence a few times. And let's not forget the two cute turtles who came to say good bye on the last day ! Meanwhile, of course, the small ones are as numerous as ever, with a variety of species that seems to increase with every passing week. As the season is advancing, we should be going towards an ever calmer surface, and richer underwater world. Yet, already, we can't help but wonder : can it really get any better ?...
Un grand merci pour ce magnifique combi Thailande + Birmanie Richelieu Rock reste un spot incroyable er la richesse des fonds birmans etaient fantastiques. une de nos meilleures vacances croisieres! Plongees, food, magnifiques sites.Equipe tres sympatique, professionnelle et toujours disponnible.
C'etait formidable! et l'ambiance etait top grace a un groupe de participants de tous bords. Nous avons adores... a refaire!!! |
The Smiling Seahorse Diving BlogA blog about our diving adventures in Burma and Thailand. Diving trip reports, guest reviews, fishy stories, wildlife fun facts and much more...
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AuthorsThe Smiling Seahorse has been running dive cruises from Ranong since 2012.
Our team of instructors are reporting with a short blogpost after every trip. Camille, Franck and some guest writers also contribute during the off season writing on various topics. Keep tuned for more fishy stories :) Want to receive the next articles via email?
February 2025
See also...- About Myanmar liveaboards
- Best Burma dive sites - Marine life in Andaman Sea - The Mergui Archipelago - Best dive site in Thailand |
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The Smiling Seahorse |