How to approach Manta correctly?
Divers love to catch a glimpse of Manta rays gliding in the blue...
Not only it is respectful of the animals but when divers follow good behavior guidelines, encounters usually last longer. Manta rays are actually quite curious creature and stick around divers for long period of time.
Mantas are wild, sensitive creatures, follow these guidelines to dive with Manta in an ethical manner:
- don't splash the water while entering it and use your fins below the water.
- approach manta from where they can see you (their side) and no less than 3 meters from them.
- do not chase & do not touch!
The name "manta" is Portuguese and Spanish for mantle (cloak or blanket), a type of blanket-shaped trap traditionally used to catch rays. Mantas are known as "devil fish" because of their horn-shaped cephalic fins, which are imagined to give them an "evil" appearance.
But it should not be associated with this diabolical appearance because the Manta is peaceful, curious, sensitive and so majestic!