“Every minute, 15 tonnes of plastic waste is dumped into the oceans” (or 8 million tonnes each year). There is an urgent need to act now. Everyone knows that (…or should know). The problem of plastic pollution in the oceans is huge and therefore complicated to solve. There is no quick fix unfortunately. But there are different approaches and different ways of doing things. That of the association "The SeaCleaners" is to fight plastic by "fishing it" directly in the ocean. The SeaCleaners association is notably this gigantic and ambitious project: “the Manta Project”. Today's largest ship build to clean the oceans...
A conveyor belt located under the boat sucks up waste. Inside, a team of operators will separate the waste from organic matter, which will return into the sea. The Manta will also be equipped with a crane at the rear to collect the drifting nets, as well as a pyrolysis system that transforms non-recyclable waste into fuel. The recyclable waste collected will be compacted into 1m3 blocks. A single boat can hold 600 blocks, or 250 tonnes of waste, which will be brought to land for recycling.
Its designer, the Swiss sailor Yvan Bourgnon wants to build a fleet of around 100 boats to optimise operational efficiency.
The electricity necessary to power the rigs and electric motors will be supplied by conventional generators as well a waste to energy conversion turbines, wind turbines, hydro-generators and photovoltaic solar panels.
Construction of the Manta is expected to begin in 2022. Project budget: 35 million euros. More than a third has already been gathered, from private patrons. Wind turbines, solar panels, tidal turbines… This large catamaran will embark and showcase various renewable energies. After a first year in Europe, in the Mediterranean, he will head to South-East Asia, mainly, "where twelve countries" represent "70% of plastic pollution in the oceans".
The Manta should begin to crisscross seas and oceans in 2024...
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