Mergui Archipelago.
This week we have a mix of diving levels from the beginner Florent, doing his Open Water and Advanced courses, to very experienced photographers.
Get your cameras ready and let's get wet!
We finished the trip at Western Rocky where we spotted some bent stick pipe fish, huge schools of barracudas and big-eye trevallys, jankins stingrays, stone fish and sea horse.
This week we had a lovely collection of nudibranchs!
It's time to head back to mainland...
Congratulations to Florent for becoming a great diver, to Luana, Michelle, Oliver, Mandy and Nadia for their Nitrox certification!
Thanks for your company, we had a blast, see you next season!!
The Smiling Seahorse team
>> Find all the photos from this trip on our facebook page <<
J-Y Cousteau