Here is a little list of the Cephalopds we most often see around the Andaman Sea...
The Reef Octopus
Giant octopus usually prefer a rather solitary life but they can also be spotted in pairs during the mating season.
The Cuttlefishes
Usually you see only one female being courted by several males.
FUN FACT: some smaller males seeing their chance in battle against a larger male play a funny game! They act as a female to get closer to the "real female" and manage to discretely inseminate them before the alpha male notices!
Pygmy Squids
They are the smallest kind of Cephalopod and also one of the cutest, don't you think?
​Do you want to know more about what we can see during our dive cruises?
You can read here our latest blogpost about the rays we most often see
And here is a page dedicated to Marine life in the Andaman Sea