Sometimes nicknames Sea Flap Flap, rays are never agressive to divers. They are shy creatures usually avoiding confrontation and prefer the "running away" strategy.
Andaman Sea Rays found on the seafloor
Every diver has a favourite when it comes to marine life, whether you want to be dwarfed by massive whales, or dazzled by the camouflage and colours of cephalopods. Each individual has creatures that float their boat (pun intended) more than others, but one of the more common fascinations amongst divers is with rays. In the earth’s waters, approximately 630 species of rays and skate exist of all shapes and sizes. The Mergui Archipelago is a paradise rich in biodiversity that proudly puts a variety of spectacular marine species on parade. Blotched sting ray are some of the most popular in the Andaman sea.
To the contrary of the other Andaman Sea sting rays, Porcupines do not have a venomous stinging pipe but you should still keep your hands away from its thorny leather back!
Pelagic rays in the Andaman Sea
Eagle ray
While a pelagic ray, surprisingly in Myanmar we have a resident eagle ray living in one of our secret caves. She passes by really close when divers enter her home but we find her in the same cave weeks after week so it must be her home.
This makes for some fantastic photo opportunities as we could get really close up portrait of this lovely Eagle Ray!